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SC hypnosis

by judedaniel

Chapter 1

Bryant and Sonya lazed about what looked more like a luxury penthouse than a state-of-the-art science lab. The two twenty-something researchers kept the place in horrible disarray, and from that disarray- one could easily tell that they were either very fond of take-out, or not very fond of leaving the lab. Bryant stepped over a two-foot tall pile of Chinese take-out cartons, and dropped abruptly into a recliner. "So what do you want to do today?"

Without breaking her gaze from the ceiling- the blonde sprawled across the couch replied: "How about more of this?"

"This is the best job in the world." He replied as he pulled the lever on the side of his chair, and joined her in her study of twentieth century stucco work.

This went on for about half an hour before their raven-haired employer; Rebecca stepped through the elevator doors, and nearly tripped over a pile of research CDs. "Would it kill you two to keep this place looking something like a research facility? Do you think I pay the two of you just to munch and guzzle all day?"

The last remark caused Sonya to sit up, and shoot a confused look at Rebecca. "Munch and guzzle? What are you, our wicked step-mother?"

"It's a very common phrase!" Rebecca shot back defensively.

"It's always been my understanding that you pay us to be geniuses, and that we do a good job of earning that pay." Bryant offered.

At this Rebecca smiled. "Ah yes, now I remember; and have my two little geniuses finished the new hair-growth agent?" She responded as she poured white liquid from a mason jar into her coffee.

"Yes, yes we have. Bryant- go get the cat."

Bryant walked to an adjacent room to retrieve the cat, as Rebecca took a sip of her coffee. "What with this cream? The flavor is a bit off."

"I don't know, that's Bryant's."

A few moments later Bryant walked in carrying a Japanese bobtail. "Behold! This cat has fur!"

"What's so impressive about that?"

"We shaved it last night."

"Oh, well good work then. By the way- what's the deal with this cream? It tastes kind of funny."

"Oh, crap! Don't drink that!"

"What, why not?"

"It's been open in the fridge for like a month and a half!"

"What? Blech! That's disgusting!" She shrieked as she poured the coffee into the sink. "I'm very rich! I'm the owner of the Seraglio Corporation! I shouldn't have to put up with this kind of treatment! Either you two clean this place up, or I'm docking you the $50,000 bonus for the formula."

"Wait, no come on, no way! Tell you what- I know you like bets; I bet you $50,000 that I could learn to hypnotize you in one week!"

"Hmm... sounds interesting, but I'm not really comfortable with being hypnotized. Hypnotize Sonya."

"What makes you think I'm comfortable with being hypnotized?"

"Half of $50,000"

"Good point."

"And you'd better not fake it either. I'll be checking."


"Don't worry, one week, and you'll be highly impressed with my hypnotic prowess!" Bryant declared confidently.

"I'd better be." With that Rebecca left and Bryant immediately logged on to the Internet to look for material regarding hypnosis.

One week later...

Sonya sat in the recliner, her hands folded on her athletic thighs, and Bryant pulled out a pocket watch as Rebecca looked on - arms crossed.

"You're going to hypnotize her with a pocket watch? That is so cliched" Rebecca sneered, with a flip of her hair.

"Hey when was the last time you hypnotized anyone? This takes a lot of hard work, and..."

"Just hurry up; and don't make me do anything absurd." Sonya interrupted.

"Okay, great. Relax. I'll start right now."

After a few minutes of instruction and watch swinging Sonya was asleep, and Bryant pronounced her hypnotized.

"That was too easy; she's faking it."

"No she's not! Here watch this: Sonya- cluck like a chicken."

Sonya immediately began to cluck like a chicken.

"Trite! And for that matter fake!"

"I can do better! Check this action: Sonya- totally make-out with me."

The shapely blonde immediately proceeded to make out with Bryant. "Alright, great, you... you took my gum, now stop" She immediately stopped.

"FAKE! You are more than reasonably attractive. I have no trouble believing that you could get a close friend of yours to make-out with you for $25,000"

He ran his hand through his tousled brown hair, and flashed a quick smile towards Rebecca. "I am pretty handsome... I guess I could have her make-out with you... I mean rather... you're attractive and all... beautiful even, but she's straight."

"Tempting... but she's sort of a fun, sexy pretty. I prefer subtle, classical pretty... how about I have a go at getting her to do something?"

"Okay. Sonya- do the next thing that Rebecca tells you to do, and then wake up remembering none of this. There now ask her to do something."

Rebecca placed two expensively manicured fingers to her temple as she bowed her head in thought for a moment, and then looked up evilly at the two scientists. "Hmph... Sonya- go inject yourself with your experimental lactation agent."

Sonya walked over to the refrigeration unit, and pulled a syringe from the drawer next to it.

Bryant panicked. "Tell her to stop! She's going to do it!"

"She's not going to do it, and you're not going to win the bet." Rebecca said smugly.

Sonya then injected a syringe full of the experimental solution into her arm.

Rebecca's eyes went wide in surprise. "Hmm... damn."

Sonya was now awake and wondered what was going on. "Alright, why am I holding a syringe, and chewing gum?"

"Bryant made you kiss him!"

Sonya walked over and slapped Bryant.

"Ow! Hey! Rebecca made you inject yourself with the lactation agent, you made!"

"What?" She slapped Bryant again.

"Ow! Hey! She made you do it!" Bryant screamed as he rubbed his cheek.

"I can't slap her- she's rich."

"Well, I guess you guys win..." Rebecca remarked as she pulled out her checkbook. "At least we'll get to see if this stuff works."

"Of course it works! I'm a genius! I made it! And now you two made me inject it into my arm!" Sonya shouted indignantly.

"Well now you'll be a genius with big breasts." Rebecca said casually as she signed the check.

"Bryant! Give me the antidote!"

"Umm... you see we weren't supposed to test this until Thursday, and it's Monday now, so I figured I'd start on the antidote tomorrow" He replied with an apologetic smile. "I guess I could be done by sometime tomorrow if I start soon enough."

"Start right now! You're lucky I was staying over anyway."

"Why are you staying over?"

"My new neighbor- Ellis is this nutty, bisexual, red-head, who's always trying to sleep with me."

"Lucky. If she liked you at a small C-cup, then you'll drive her crazy once the formula takes effect. Did you want my bed, or is the fold-out okay?"

"The fold-out is fine." Sonya said as she crossed her arms, looked down, and formed a mental 'before' image of her cleavage.

At this point Rebecca broke in. "Why would you have a bed here? I told you to find a real apartment three months ago."

"I did! I'm sub-letting it." Bryant responded with a shrug.

The model-esque woman just sighed and shook her head. "I'm going to my office."

"You live in your workplace."

"First of all- I live in the penthouse above my office in the central tower. Secondly- I own all five towers!"

"Okay, okay... we'll call you if we need anything."

As it was already fairly late- Sonya decided to turn in while Bryant was on the other side of the room working on the antidote. The fold out sofa was a rather pricey model, and was actually superior to many flatbeds. It was no time at all before she was soundly asleep.

Sonya wouldn't have wakened until her normal time of noon if she hadn't tried to roll over at ten. Even while asleep- Sonya couldn't quite adjust to having breasts that were individually the size of a human head. She shot bolt upright, and cupped her bobbing milk-engorged breasts in shock, as she hadn't yet remembered what happened last night. She sat there for a few moments gazing into her now cavernous cleavage, unable to believe how big her breasts had swelled overnight. The formerly loose white cotton tee shirt she'd worn to bed was now stretched tight around her chest and exposing her toned tummy. She gave her breasts a gentle squeeze, and found that the skin was very tight. They felt quite hot, and tender, as the skin had never been stretched this tightly before. She turned around at a speed befitting a woman far less... endowed, and could practically hear the milk sloshing around her breasts as their momentum caused them to sway back and forth on her chest for quite a few moments. She again grabbed her breasts; this time to stabilize them, and it was then that she noticed Bryant still sitting across the room running simulations at his computer. "How long have I been this big?" She half-yawned; still observing her massive bosom, giving her breasts a pat for emphasis.

Bryant turned about, and a quick look of surprise flashed over his face as he noticed his friend's new assets. "What? Oh, I really haven't been paying attention. I've been working pretty hard all night. And... sorry about the whole making-you-make-out-with me thing."

"Don't worry about it." Sonya casually remarked as she placed her feet on the carpet. "Where did you put that box with the test supplies?"

"I put it on the floor in front of the sink."

"I put a breast pump in there because I knew we'd be doing human trials, but I never thought I'd be one of the test subjects." Sonya commented as she padded over to the kitchen area, her shirt no longer long enough to conceal her round, heart-shaped butt, showcased by her black cotton panties. She bent over to retrieve the breast-pump from the box of supplies.

"Oh, what is that?" Bryant stated off-handedly.

"What is what?" She replied, looking up.

"That... with the bending over! Who does that? What? Are you teasing me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said as she placed the pump on the table and casually pulled off the skin-tight shirt as she sat down near him- letting her tremendous boobs bounce and sway freely.

"And now you're topless! What is this?"

"You act like you've never seen me naked before! We were both naked for a whole week that time that Rebecca bet us $100,000 that we couldn't stay naked for a whole week without inevitably having sex."

"Two things were different then."

"Do you mean these?" She offered, gently squeezing her breasts between her arms to make her point.

"Yes, I mean those. It took me all day to feel normal when you had breasts SMALLER than volleyballs. Who knows how long it would take while you've got knockers like that!"

"I guess we'll never know, because you've created an antidote - correct?" She mentioned, as she hooked up the pump, and switched it on.

"Well... almost. I've been able to finish most of the countermeasure, but to complete it I'll need the minidisk with the original formula on it. Where did you put it after you finished the formula?"

"I took it home to make backups; it's still in my computer there. If I leave now - I'll probably be back by the time you finish the rest of what you can do." Sonya then frowned, and looked down at the breast pump. The relatively small container that came with it was full, and the machine had stopped. As she removed it and reached to get a large jug from one of the crate of research material Bryant asked:

"What's wrong? I checked out some material on the Internet last night, and according to what I read - you should be experiencing wave after wave of intense pleasure, placing you in a state of perpetual orgasm."

"Yeah well I guess it feels alright, but mostly I just feel like a big cow." She said as she connected the large milk jug to the machine connected to her large milk jugs.

"Well, I guess I could hypnotize you again- so that next time you're milked- you'll enjoy it more. You'll probably need to be milked at least once more before I can get the formula synthesized."

"This won't be like the last time I let you hypnotize me?"

"That was all Rebecca's fault! She's not even here now."

"Alright, but if you screw this up- you're handling all of the work for two weeks."


Employing much the same procedure as the last time- Bryant had Sonya under again. He implanted a pleasure suggestion connected to lactation, and milk release, increased her breast and nipple sensitivity, and reawakened her. Meanwhile the current milking had finished, and the machine had shut itself off.

Sonya noticed that although her breasts were completely devoid of milk, her breasts were still a very full D-cup. Nonetheless she got dressed and found her keys. "God I hope Ellis isn't home."

"What, why? How tall is she? You've probably got a height advantage."

"She's about 4'11", so I'm about a foot taller than her. Why?"

"Well can't you just put your hand on her forehead to hold her off?"

"That never works!" Sonya bowed her head. "Besides, I tried that once. She just grabbed my hand and started like... making out with my fingers."

"Are you sure you're not interested in my sub-let? I've got a librarian in there right now, but I would be more than glad to kick her out of there, and switch apartments with you."

"Is it rent controlled?"

"Not so much."

"Never mind then. Besides, I'd still have to go there all the time to drag you into work."

"Not really, I'd just sub-let the place, and live here... with the redhead."

"And that would solve my problem how?"

"Well it wouldn't, my point is that the redhead would be here."

"I've got to get going. You hurry up with the formula preparations"

"No problem, I'm on it."

  Sonya climbed into her jeep and headed towards her apartment complex. On the way there she couldn't help but notice her shirt constantly getting tighter, and tighter. She also noticed that unlike last time- she was rather enjoying the sensation of her breasts filling out, and the fabric being stretched across them. Even still, she was quite concerned with her apparently increased growth rate.

"My beasts are growing even faster than last time. I guess I'm even more of a genius than I thought."

At a rather long red light Sonya found herself idly playing with her nipple. Rather aroused, she was startled when she noticed the wet spot on her tee shirt, and abruptly placed both hands on the steering wheel. "Whatever Bryant did, those were some good suggestions. I hope he didn't go overboard."

In the twenty minutes it took to reach her building, Sonya's breasts had become immense! They were at least as big as they had been this morning, if not a bit bigger. She'd had to adjust her driving style, because at her current size - her arms were prone to bump into her breasts when she turned a corner. Particularly sharp turns wreaked havoc on her swaying, bloated melons.

Sonya reached her building, and stealthily approached her door. Looking down the hall both ways, and seeing no one- she surmised that Ellis was probably out roller-blading. She opened her door, and stepped into her apartment. Just then...

"Hi Sonya! Where've you been for two days? I missed ya'!" Said the DD-cupped redhead as she stepped in right behind her.

"Oh, Ellis, hi! I umm... don't remember inviting you in!" Sonya said, gesturing with two digits a bit too close to Ellis' head. Ellis quickly caught Sonya's fingers in her mouth, sucking and liking them sensually before the blonde could pull them away.

"Mmm...Your fingers are all sweet today! Besides, you don't have to say anything, I know you want me... in." Ellis responded with bedroom eyes. She then redirected her lustful gaze at Sonya's chest. "Wow! What? Your tits are huge! Did you get a boob job? You're even bigger than me! Are you trying to me make me jealous?" As Sonya turned away in a hasty effort to conceal herself Ellis finally put two and two together. "You're all full of milk, aren't you! That's why your fingers are so sweet, and your breasts are so big and round! Milk does do a body good!"

"Please tell me you're lactose intolerant!"

"Un uhh!" Ellis responded as she cupped Sonya's breasts from behind. Seizing on the blonde's nipples as she spooned her tightly. She felt the shorter woman's plump breasts pressed against her hack, and Sonya was barely able to speak as she was suddenly overcome by an intense shock of sensual pleasure.

"Oh God... I uh... oh God..." Sonya trailed off as Ellis began to knead and massage her enormous breasts. She felt wave after wave of intense pleasure, placing her in a state of perpetual orgasm. Ellis continued her zealous fondling of Sonya'a engorged bosom. Milk practically gushed from her nipples. Sonya's white T-shirt was already soaked, as the smaller woman forcefully turned her around, and began to peel it from her quivering bust using her teeth. Ellis paused more than once to suck on the sopping garment, unable to resist the sweet, flowing milk, and getting it in her hair as she nuzzled Sonya's abundant, inviting bosom. After a final tug with clenched teeth- the shirt was pulled above Sonya's breasts, causing her round-melon-sized orbs to slip from the transparent cloth and jiggle wildly as they landed against her chest. At once Ellis hungrily took Sonya's large nipple into her mouth, sucking greedily, and being rewarded with a continuous stream of warm milk down her throat. She alternated; suckling at one tit, while fondling the other; gulping down the creamy sweetness which gushed continuously from them. Wishing to share her treat, Ellis took a great mouthful of milk from Sonya's breast, and pulled the taller woman down, as she reached upwards- kissing her passionately, and pushing the milk into her mouth. It was all Sonya could do to swallow, going so far even as to suck Ellis' small tongue- beneath her erotic haze marveling at her milk's delicious taste. Ellis tackled Sonya to the floor, and resumed her voracious suckling. Lost in hedonistic delight, Sonya began to suck on her other breast. Unable to get enough of the sensations coursing through her body she squeezed one of the redhead's thick muscular thighs between her own athletic, yet slightly more slender ones, and pressed the smaller woman's face into her chest, forcing her to suck harder. Ellis responded by slipping one hand down the front of her own skirt, while rubbing herself rhythmically, and firmly against her neighbor's welcome thigh. In spite of her apprehensions, Sonya was almost uncontrollably driven to nurse Ellis, receiving enormous carnal pleasure from the sensations of the redhead's tongue, and her own on her nipples. It wasn't long before Ellis was becoming overcome by sensation herself and she soon joined Sonya as she exploded into orgasmic bliss. Responding in sync with each other they gulped even faster, soon enough satiating themselves with Sonya's milk, finally leaving Sonya's supply depleted, but her breasts still at a size that would easily overtax even one of Ellis' DD-cup bras.

As they lay there on the floor spent and breathing heavily, Sonya was no longer affected by the suggestion associated with milking, and began to come to her senses. "I... oh god... I... what? What the hell!" Sonya exclaimed as she snapped back to reality and threw Ellis off of her; immediately rising to a half-kneeling position on the damp carpet. "You...you... You leave right now!" She sputtered as she hurriedly pulled up Ellis and shoved her towards the door. For a moment she paused to pull her shirt back down over her chest. Saturated, transparent, and horribly over-stretched, it was only a matter of moments before she gave up on trying to make the garment look decent and resumed aiding the redhead's departure.

"But we were umm... Hey! Damn it! Just when I was finally getting somewhe..."

That was all Ellis was able to get out before Sonya pushed her out the door, and quickly slammed it behind her.

Meanwhile, back in her apartment, Sonya removed the useless shirt, and hefted her expanded boobs as she examined them. She thoroughly examined her new breasts, feeling that they were quite firm and round at their new size. What bothered her was that they had a new size. Sonya's bustline had expanded to the point that she was worried that she wouldn't be able to find anything to wear back to the lab. Sonya went through her closet, and found a D-cup sized sports bra she'd bought by mistake. She was well aware of the fact that she'd far surpassed a D-cup sometime earlier this morning, but she hoped that the bra's stretchy material would be elastic enough to accommodate her new... endowments. Sonya slipped the bra on over both arms, and took the two halves of the frontal clasp in both hands. She tried with nearly all her might to pull them together, but her huge tits were far too big for the comparatively tiny D-cup bra. With one massive pull, combined with a strenuous effort to push her tits flat against her chest, Sonya was finally able to get the clasp closed. Looking into her bedroom mirror she wished she hadn't. The overstrained brassiere was painfully tight and Sonya's fat breasts formed fleshy bulges both below, and above its pitiful cups, surging past its confines, and bulging almost up to her chin. As she sat on her bed, her arms folded on her well-toned thighs, trying to breathe despite the constricting garment... she could swear that it was getting even tighter. She reached up to her chest, frantically trying to undo the clasp, but her swelling breasts had pulled the elastic too tight to allow her to move the fasteners in even the two millimeters it would have taken to undo them. After trying for over two minutes, each time her chin sinking deeper into her slowly expanding bulge of cleavage, she finally threw her arms behind her back and took a deep breath The bra grew tighter... nothing. She tried again, this time determined to free herself from it's tightening grasp. Despite the pain of the encircling lingerie, Sonya took a strange pleasure in the feeling of her breasts expanding. She took two short breaths and then inhaled with all her might... with a deafening popping sound the bra literally exploded. Her tits leapt forward, and jiggled madly, rising and falling with each of Sonya's fast but deep breaths. The blonde quickly decided that today was a good day to remain braless.

Sonya cupped her breasts in her breasts in her hands again; she could feel them slowly swelling. She hurriedly grabbed a pair of black denim shorts and pulled them up her long, legs, and past her full hips. Hopeful that Bryant would have the equipment set up, she resumed her planned mission.

"I have got the get that minidisk, and get back to the lab in a hurry. My breasts are getting huge! At this rate I'll be in demand to headline at strip joints by Wednesday."

Sonya quickly pulled-on, and zipped a black sweat jacket- ignoring the three snap-fasteners which ran along it's length, it rode just above her navel due to her expansive bosom. Looking into her deep well of cleavage as she adjusted the undersized top as best she could, she gave her tits a final squeeze before collecting the minidisk from her computer's drive, and hurrying out to her jeep.

"Thank goodness Ellis is nowhere in sight." She sighed to herself as she keyed the ignition and swerved back towards the lab.

Despite herself- Sonya derived great pleasure from the sensation of her jacket quickly growing tighter, and tighter, as her breasts began to expand even more quickly than they already had been. The sensations from the fabric being pulled across her nipples as her breasts pressed out further and further, almost caused her to orgasm right there. The pressure slowly built as she drove along, stretching the jacket past it's limit, and testing hers. By the time she made it to the parking area, the sensual feelings emanating from her continuously swelling breasts were driving her crazy. It was more than enough to push her over the top when her zipper suddenly popped down halfway as she entered the parking lot. She nearly lost control of the car and was forced to come to an abrupt stop. Sonya's face was buried in her own cleavage as she was pressed against the steering wheel. Jets of milk shot from her nipples- easily penetrating the thinly stretched fabric. Due to Bryant's suggestion- she again experienced wave after wave of intense pleasure even during this brief expression of milk, much despite having been pressed none too gently against the wheel. Sonya quickly leaned back into her seat, causing her bloated breasts to jiggle considerably. She cupped her painfully engorged breasts, feeling their immense weight. "This is way more milk than even last time... 20 minutes ago! I'm just huge! I've got to get back up to the lab..."


Bryant was running some final calculations as Rebecca walked in the door, hung her coat in the closet, and began to pour herself some coffee.

"So where's the little dairy cow? I bet that was nothing but a V-12 shot she gave herself. It was a stunning performance nonetheless, but I'd like to see the results," she remarked as she began to pour milk from the jug on the counter into her mug.

"She got huge. I'm working on the cure right now. I already have an alternate formula that I improvised in case Sonya can't find the minidisk. It's based on the formula prototype I had to work with. I added a heavy type two accelerant so that it should counteract itself quickly before it can act... or act really quickly and then counteract itself... I'm not sure. I just hope she has the disk. By the way... that's breast milk." He remarked, as he noticed her taking a sip of her coffee.

Rebecca paused and looked at the coffee. "Ehh..." She said with a shrug as she continued to drink.

"You said you were going to be here earlier. What took you so long?"

"Oh... I was driving around downtown, and I almost hit this old lady on my way back from breakfast. She was some vagrant or something. I told my secretary to send her a fruit basket. I'm rich, I can afford it." She explained nonchalantly as she started across the room towards Bryant.

"Really? Did anything else interesting happen?"

"You know that puzzle box from the orient that that creepy Baxter sent me?"

"You mean the one with the picture of the giant-breasted woman on the top?"

"Yeah, that one. I figured it out last night. I guess there was some sort of firework inside. All I saw was a bunch of flashing light. It was all right... I guess, but I was really expecting it to be jewelry."

"Do you feel alright?"

"Yes, why?"

"I was doing a lot of research last night, and I came to some interesting conclusions. If anyone's breasts should be growing... they should be yours."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you display all sorts of risk factors for breast expansion or 'BE'." Bryant answered matter-of-factly

"Risk factors like what?" Rebecca responded, now quite interested.

"For instance what about Tracy- your chef."

"I make fun of her for trying to hide her big breasts."

"Right, and you endanger old ladies crossing the street, and you solve mysterious puzzle boxes. You make silly bets, and you walk around labs drinking things without really knowing what the are."

"And all of this puts me at risk for 'BE'." She said sarcastically, making air quotes at "BE".

"Yes! Among other things! You're rich, you're the boss, you have black hair, and you threaten scientists!"

"So?" she said, humoring him.

"You're also an A-cup, and... no offense... a little bitchy."

"None taken, and for your information- I can wear a B-cup bra, it depends on the manufacturer... I own quite a few."

"Granted, Sonya is blond, a research scientist, and she submitted herself to be hypnotized. But those were her only three factors. You on the other hand... you're just off the scale. If anyone should experience BE- it should be you. If you don't change your lifestyle- it will happen eventually."

With a twitch, and a sudden shocked expression, Rebecca clutched her arms tightly about her chest. "Oh my God... Bryant... My chest"

"What... What!" Bryant responded, becoming agitated as if she were going into labor.

"My chest! It's so tight... So much pressure." She panted out, looking down her blouse.

"What... uhh... Don't worry, I'll umm... I... I..."

"I think that Tracy put some sort of 'BE' spice in my food! I thought it tasted funny! I can feel my lace bra getting tighter, and tighter even as we speak! Hurry do something!" she nearly screamed, looking up at Bryant with pleading eyes, almost in tears.

"I... I don't know what to do! There's surprisingly little material on how to shrink breasts, or halt BE!" Bryant stammered, flustered.

She turned to away to conceal her expanding bosom. "Unhhh... My blouse is going to explode! I'm going to be huge! Why didn't you warn me sooner? Oh the pressure!"

Bryant stood wordlessly, vainly looking around the room, as if he or Sonya had invented some sort of anti-BE device that they'd just forgotten about.

"My tits... so much pressure... oh.... Wait... I'm... I'm pressing on them. Wait, now I'm taking away my arms, and... there's no more pressure. False alarm... sorry." she remarked with a sardonic look, No longer able to keep a straight face, and bursting into derisive laughter.

"Great... yeah... Now you fake BE... That's just one more factor." Bryant responded, bowing his head, and running his hand through his hair, trying to hide his gullibility.

"Right Bryant. I need to shower and change for the gym. I'll use your bathroom." She said, composing herself.

"Which gym are you going to?"

"This new place, Hanna's. The instructor's got these massive tits... awesome figure... it seems like she eats whatever she wants. I have got to find out what she's doing." With that Rebecca went into the bathroom.

Bryant cleared everything off the counter and went to the back room to set up the equipment to synthesize the antidote. He placed the breast pump back in the supply box, and carried back with him.

Sonya unlocked the door with her keycard, and walked in. Startled, she whirled around as someone pinched her butt. Standing there smiling seductively was none other than Ellis. "What? How did you get in here! There are five security guards at the front desk alone!"

"Yeah, five... I think that's a record for me in a public place!" Ellis responded with a wink, as she once again focused her stare on Sonya'a bosom, which had swelled quite appreciably during the ride over- stretching the sweat jacket even tighter, and making her nipples plainly visible. "Looks like someone needs another milking!"

Briefly looking down and blushing a bit, Sonya quickly snapped: "You just stay away!"

"Got your nipple!" Ellis squealed as she quickly reached out and pinched Sonya's nipple between her thumb, and two of her fingers.

Stifling a moan, Sonya quickly snatched Ellis' hand away from her massive tit. Still holding it threateningly she began. "Stop that you little..."

"C'mon! You'll like it! I promise!" Ellis interrupted, whispering seductively with a wink.

Sonya paused, her gaze moving from Ellis' face down her arm to her apprehended hand, and finally to her own bloated breasts. "All right, what the hell... But you just milk me... Got it?"

"Oh don't worry!" Ellis responded enthusiastically as she tackled Sonya into the closet by the entryway, slamming the door behind them.

Sonya barely had time to unzip her jacket as Ellis forced her against the wall. The milk sloshed audibly in her jiggling breasts as her hands were knocked away from her chest, allowing Ellis to amorously grope her tits. Milk flowed freely from the blonde's nipples, cascading down her toned stomach; getting all over her shorts and legs. Obviously not wanting to let a bit of the sweet cream go to waste- Ellis immediately knelt down and began to lick and caress the taller woman's thighs- eventually making her way to her crotch. Ellis began sticking her tongue into Sonya's pantleg, coming precariously close to her moist slit. When she grabbed Sonya's butt, and began to deftly undo her shorts with her teeth, Sonya immediately grabbed her by her hair, and brought her back towards the task assigned. Slightly miffed and highly exited- Ellis attacked Sonya's creamy orbs with deliberate abandon. Sonya was immediately overcome with sensation as the smaller woman latched onto a tit larger than her own head. Ellis suckled gluttonously at Sonya's breasts, determined to milk her dry. Any feelings of fullness, or satiation were utterly suppressed by her wanton sexual cravings. Largely despite herself Sonya moaned in delight and wrapped her arms tightly around Ellis' head as she felt the woman's small but vivacious tongue dance around her nipples. Lifted onto a small bureau- she almost instinctively squeezed Ellis between her thighs as the redhead continued to gulp her milk insatiably. Almost as instinctively- Ellis reached down the front of her skirt and began to finger herself, stroking her clit in rhythm with her swallowing. Along with that, and being squeezed between the taller woman's thighs while gorging herself on milk from the largest tits she'd ever had the pleasure of touching- Ellis came within seconds. Slumped against the blonde and the bureau, the redhead continued consume all the milk she could, allowing the milk to pour down her throat, despite her extreme fullness. She kept Sonya in a state of perpetual orgasm for a few minutes longer, as she sucked and squeezed the last of the sweet delight from her neighbor's still massive bosom.

No longer affected by the suggestion Sonya came to her senses, panting heavily. "Okay... That was... umm... nice. I umm... You just don't go getting any ideas..." Sonya looked at the floor as she sighed and shook her head. "Well... I... I have an antidote to get. I guess you'd better go home." She said awkwardly as she hopped down, and zipped and snapped her sweat jacket, which had gotten quite damp despite being open.

"You know where to find me if that doesn't work out! Or maybe I'll find you... lover." Ellis responded in a unapologetically suggestive tone, as she caressed her own slightly bloated stomach.

Sonya again bowed he head and sighed before stepping out of the small room, and shutting the door behind her. She was painfully aware of the fact that although she had just been milked, her top was riding even higher above her navel than before she'd left her apartment due to her ever-expanding breasts. She cupped her breasts, and gave them a thorough feel. "God! I'm even bigger than last time!" She exclaimed as she pulled a tape measure from a supply drawer, and began to measure her ample new bosom. "Let's see, with the underbust measurement, and the bust measurement I guess that makes me at least a 36F, almost a G. I hope Bryant has the equipment set up." Sonya said as she fondled her breasts, and tried to adjust her jacket to accommodate her almost indecently large mounds.

Just then Bryant walked in from the back room. Noticing Sonya fidgeting with her jacket he quipped: "Don't think of it as having to buy a new wardrobe, think of it as trading in your old wardrobe for one in which all the tops are belly tops."

"Great, in addition to the obvious first two- I have one more reason for Ellis to drool over me. By the way nice job on the hypnotic suggestions, don't you think you went a bit overboard?" She said, raising an eyebrow.

"What? Pleasure associated with lactation and wave after wave of intense pleasure placing you in a state of perpetual orgasm associated with milk release. Oh yeah, and I also made your breasts and nipples very pleasurably sensitive."

"Ellis nearly got to have her way with me twice, and now she's calling me lover."

"I did the best I could! Next door neighbors are always sexpots, and always unpredictable... in aspects other than that they will be sexpots. What, you didn't enjoy yourself?" he replied with a shrug.

"Well I'm not saying all that..." she said, looking away. "Anyway, do you have the antidote set up? I have the minidisk with my original formula on it right here." Sonya asked, holding up the cartridge that contained the minidisk, a bit damp, but none the worse for wear.

"If you don't think you can wait- I have this alternate antidote which I improvised. I think it should either put a stop to what your formula is currently doing, or... temporarily replicate the effect... I don't know. Otherwise you can just go to the back room and pop it into the drive- the machine should start synthesizing the antidote" He said, as he held up a syringe full of the jury-rigged formula and squirted a bit into the air.

"Thanks, but I think I'll play it safe. If I ended up too much bigger than this I think I'd be legally required to switch over to doing big-bust porn." Sonya remarked as she headed towards the back room.

"What, you're not already?"

Already hyper again Ellis idly fingered herself in the closet. "I'm so bored... and horny... I'm such a slut!" Ellis giggled, amused by her own promiscuity. "Hmm... what next."

It was about then that Bryant opened the closet door to get some gum from his coat.

"You'll do!" Ellis exclaimed as she yanked him in, slamming the door.

Bryant could only manage a shocked expression as Ellis pulled him close, jamming her tongue into his mouth, and causing him to stab her with the needle he still held in his hand. This caused her to pull away briefly.

"OW! ...Was that poison?"

"Well... not as such but..."

That was all Bryant could get out before Ellis threw him to the floor. Both from concern and attraction- Bryant's attention was focused on Ellis' plump DD-cup breasts as she undid his slacks and pulled them to his knees along with his boxers- freeing his quickly stiffening rod. In an instant she pulled her blue tank top below her nipples and was straddling him; he could feel her inner walls grip and squeeze his shaft, as she rocked back and forth on his member, and pushed his head into her cleavage. He grabbed her tanned thighs, and massaged his way from her knees to her plump, yet firm butt. It was then that Ellis squeezed Bryant's head between her breasts, and was quite surprised when a small stream of milk suddenly shot out. Bryant could feel her tits expand around his face as she still held him against her chest.

"Huh?" she said, confused, as she pulled back a bit and cupped her quickly swelling breasts. She could feel the skin stretching beneath her fingers as her tits began to fill out in her small hands and spill even further over the top of her shirt.

Bryant placed his hand on her breast along with hers, and gave a few taps with his forefinger for emphasis. "Yeah... that'll happen. I tried to tell you but you seemed interested in... something else."

As Ellis' chest continued to fill out- what was once a firm-fitting ribbed tank top was becoming little more than a horribly undersized bra as her breasts continued to swell, and fill with milk. Her shirt had risen far above any mark where she could have hoped to tuck it in again, and in moments it was scarcely more than a tight band of fabric running beneath her nipples, as her rapidly inflating breasts became nearly as large as pumpkins. Due to the discomfort of such an ill-fitting garment, Ellis momentarily devoted all of her energy to working the shirt up over her head, past the ever-swelling bulges of her chest. Her vigorous action caused her huge breasts, to shift and bulge, against each other, the cloth, and her arms as she struggled to be free. When she finally worked the shirt off- her tits dropped abruptly form it, wobbling to and fro on her chest.

Ellis squeezed her now enormous swelling mounds, squirting milk onto Bryant's face. "I'm filling up with milk! Like Sonya... right?" She said, giving her breasts yet another playful squeeze.

"Yes... yes you are."

"Ha ha ha... So are you!"

"What? Wha... mmph... mmm!" Bryant stammered as she resumed her rhythmic motions upon his shaft, and pushed her nipple into his mouth, forcing him to suckle at one of her engorged breasts while she drank from the other. The small woman's breasts were enormous, and Bryant could feel them expanding even as she bounced and rocked upon his member, continuously pumping milk into the both of them. As She neared climax- Ellis squeezed him between her thick thighs and pressed his head into her chest tightly. Milk flooded their mouths as she launched into an earth shaking series of orgasms, her moans muffled as she continued to nurse herself. Bryant could feel her vaginal muscles quickly constrict around his member, commencing rhythmic pulling motions, threatening to draw the seed right out of him. Soon he could hold out no longer. He came forcefully- shooting his load deep into her, as their cries of passion resonated about the closet.

They were both panting on the floor when Bryant spoke up. "These will probably be at least a couple of cup sizes larger than they originally were after the milk is completely drained... It's a side effect of the formula." He said as he fondled her immense breasts, giving them a light squeeze for emphasis.

Ellis giggled. "A free boob job in a needle! Thanks!" Ellis replied enthusiastically as she jiggled her new endowments.

"Well I suppose we ought to get on with that milking!" Bryant remarked as he reached once again for her nipples.

"Mmm... maybe later" she said, holding his hands in place on her breasts. "I think I'll go out like this."

"You've got tits the size of basketballs! You qualify as a traffic hazard."

"Is that your medical opinion?" she said, dismounting him.

"Well my medical opinion is that you should pay me at least a few hundred dollars to drain them, and a few thousand for the shot. As a man, and a Good Samaritan however- I'd be willing to give you the whole deal for free." he said, sitting up. "By the way, you wouldn't happen to be Ellis, would you?"

"Uh huh... why?"

"Just guessing." Bryant replied. As he rose, and began to step out of the room. "You're sure you're not game for that milking?"

"Go!" She squealed, punching him playfully.

Bryant decided that now would be a good time to take a shower, and made his way towards the bathroom. He met Rebecca on her way out.

"Why are you all wet and disheveled?" The slender woman inquired with a disapproving glare.

"Oh... umm... Formula research."

"Whatever. Would it kill you to get a pumice stone?"

"Oh... Alright I'll work on that." He replied as he entered the bathroom.

"I can't believe they actually get any research done in this pig sty. I swear, if they weren't geniuses..." Rebecca complained as she stepped past a data console with a sweater draped over it.

She then opened the closet door to get her coat...

Meanwhile... Sonya looked on in anticipation as the equipment leapt into action "I hope this formula comes together quickly, I can already feel my breasts swelling again." She said as her arms- crossed over her chest- were being all-too-quickly pressed apart but her relentlessly expanding bustline. Despite herself Sonya was becoming quite aroused and quietly moaned in pleasure as her tits continued to expand, overfilling her jacket, and increasing the pressure against the fasteners. Sonya pressed in on her breasts at the top of her jacket, as they continued to grow. The zipper was jammed, she tried to pull the snaps apart, but the pressure was already too great. Soon enough her swelling breasts strained against her jacket, and once again unzipped it half way this time by causing the top snap to break open. Sonya's cleavage welled up, rising past the uppermost reaches of the garment, and threatening to spill out. Suddenly the pressure caused her breasts to burst forth violently, breaking the zipper apart, and leaving only the bottom two snaps straining to hold the jacket closed. Sonya steadied her jiggling bosom, and squeezed her breasts with her hands in an effort to contain their growth. Her hands sunk into her billowing bosom and she was rewarded with a jolt of pleasure, and a squirt of milk. Sonya's cleavage was quickly becoming obscene. She could feel the fabric pulling in all directions as her fat tits continued to surge outwards, overflowing her hands. Sonya looked into the mirror on the wall and could see that her breasts were already actively spilling out of her constricting garment, and she could feel the pressure in her chest threatening to break another snap. Sonya could feel the milk rushing through her breasts, filling them, and exiting her. She almost came as the second snap on her jacket broke off and flew across the room. Her swollen breasts literally spilling out, jiggling like water balloons. This was more than enough to convince Sonya it that it was time for a milking. She quickly pulled apart the bottom snap, and her hands flew to her nipples as she fell against the wall and began to vigorously knead her bloated breasts. Fountains of milk soon flowed from her nipples, and for the third time- she experienced wave after wave of intense pleasure, placing her in a state of perpetual orgasm. Remembering the sweet luscious taste of her own milk, Sonya was unable to resist taking her nipple into her mouth, and greedily gulping down the sweet, creamy treat. Even in her bliss she couldn't help but note how good her milk was. Sonya could swear that her milk was better than any milkshake, or dairy treat she'd ever had. The blonde was in ecstasy as she sucked and caressed her massive tits, one then the other. By the time Sonya had completely emptied her breasts, her stomach was ready to burst with milk. Sonya sat rubbing her now packed and taut tummy as a blue vial popped out of the synthesizer.

"Well it's about time." She said, panting as she got up and gave herself an injection of the antidote.

Sonya cupped her newly enlarged breasts. "My god, they're almost as big as my head." She said, hefting them and giving them a light squeeze, feeling that they were quite round, and as firm as ever despite, or perhaps because of their new size.

Out of curiosity, Sonya couldn't help but take her new measurements. "Lets see... 36GG-24-38. Well at least my breasts match my hips now, well they match and then some... but at least I won't have ant trouble filling out a bikini." She remarked as she patted her plump new bosom.

With a bit of fiddling to get the zipper back on its track, Sonya zipped her jacket, and left the equipment room. She met Bryant as he was on his way out of the shower, and quickly called him over to her. "Bryant!"

"What?" He said, coming closer to her.

Sonya immediately hugged him close to her; he could feel her nipples trough her jacket as she generously pressed her big breasts against him and kissed him deeply.

"Good job on the hypnosis" She congratulated him.

She then slapped him "Never hypnotize me again!"

"A... alright. Do you want me to remove the suggestions? I'm confused." Bryant stammered.

"No that's alright, two of the suggestions are pretty much neutralized... and I always wanted more sensitive breasts anyway." Sonya replied casually.

Rebecca then tumbled out of the closet with Ellis.

Sonya simply crossed her arms beneath her substantial bosom and shot an exasperated look at Bryant when she noticed Ellis' new... endowments.

"Well look who's out of the closet!" Bryant quipped.

Rebecca was half-stripped, and a little flustered. "What, I thought I thought it was pretty obvious, and besides Ellis is very... persuasive." She managed.

"As far as I'm concerned, this is just one more factor." He responded matter-of-factly.

"Let's go to your penthouse, I wanna try out your waterbed!" Ellis chimed in as she dragged Rebecca towards the door. "I'll see you later!" She said with a wink towards Sonya.

Sonya just shook her head as the two left. She then reoccupied her reclining position on the couch as Bryant went to his chair.

"At least everything's back to normal." He offered.

"I have tits bigger than cantaloupes." Sonya corrected.


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