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Gold Digger

by EMG

Gold Digger

My name is gold and i am a slave; not in the average B&D or even S&M meaning of the word, but in the absolute sense of something that may never end. My term of slavery began 5 years ago today and this is my story.

It was a just your average September morning when I heard about him and his particular kink. I was sitting in my dorm looking for a way, any way, to finance my next semester at college when my roommate Sheila came in and told me she thought she'd found a perfect target. The target was Mr. Don Carlyle, a wealthy gentleman in his late 60's with a large fortune and no relatives to share it with. What was even better was that there was a rumor that he was into S&M. This was PERFECT! With a little work, I was certain that I could corner him into the blackmail scam Sheila and I had cooked up. The plan was simple; I'd accidentally bump into him somewhere, pretend to like him, and eventually lure him into bed. From there I'd let him discover that I too was into his personal perversion. Then I would arrange to let him play his favorite games somewhere that I could set up a hidden video. Bingo, I'd have the perfect blackmail setup and for no more than the cost of a few stripes on my ass. I was sure I could pull it off.

It took me a couple of weeks to research my intended mark before I decided it was time to meet him. The meeting was simplicity itself to pull off. I just wandered into his path one morning while he was out jogging and wham! He hit me. By 'accident' my yellow halter slipped down a few inches revealing my nipples for just a moment. He was quite the gentleman and actually blushed before apologizing. I accepted his apology and then said in my sweetest voice, "It's not entirely your fault Sir, I was distracted and should have looked where I was jogging... I'll tell you what, you buy me breakfast and we'll consider it even." He agreed and we soon found ourselves in a quaint little restaurant enjoying one another's company. I played the perfect young lady, even going so far as to let him order for me. Everything went perfect as I let him take control of the conversation, giving him tiny hints at my possible submissiveness. After breakfast he paid for both of us and told me that he would like to see me again that very night. I told him that I was busy but that I'd be happy to come by his place Friday night. His momentary frown suddenly turned to a smile. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrists and spun me around so that I was looking him directly in the eye. "Wear high heels, black stockings, and NO underwear," this in a voice that I might have obeyed even if I wasn't trying to seduce him. I simply nodded and walked away. My knees were weak and my cunt was moist with something other than perspiration.

Over the next two days my mind kept wandering back to the way his last command had affected me. Still, I was sure I could handle him. Instead of bowing to his command, I decided to dress conservatively in a pantsuit and flats. The butler greeted me at the door and led me into the dining room. I had expected Mr. Carlyle to react to my obvious refusal to immediately submit but he didn't even bat an eye. The meal was delicious and we discussed many topics. I continued to drop hints at my possible submissiveness. He never reacted once and I was beginning to think that he'd lost interest. Suddenly he addressed me in a VERY commanding tone. "I expected more of you Deborah. Why aren't you wearing what I asked you to?" A chill went through my body and I stammered a little when I answered; "Sir, I may be submissive but I'm not a fool. If I'd worn what you asked, I'd be yours to command right now and I don't like to have my first encounters somewhere unfamiliar. Since my dorm is obviously out of the question, how about my friend's guest house? She gave me the key and told me to use it whenever I wanted. Does this sound good to you, Sir?" He nodded and pondered a moment, when he spoke again his voice sent shivers down my spine. "Very well, we will meet tomorrow at noon at your friend's house. I expect you to be there when I arrive. You will be wearing NOTHING but the collar, wrist, and ankle cuffs that I'm going to give you. I expect to find you kneeling inside the front door when I arrive. If you are not, I shall be forced to punish you MOST SEVERELY." For the first time, I was scared. Until this point I could have walked away with no harm done. Now I was about to put my life into the hands of someone I barely knew. My knees shivered as he went to a small chest and brought back some leg irons, a pair of handcuffs and black dog collar with several rings in it. I accepted these items with less than steady hands and then knelt and kissed his feet. He smiled and said I was dismissed until tomorrow. I returned to my dorm more than a little shaken. The thought of the money I would be getting from Mr. Carlyle and a couple stiff drinks helped to re-fortified me. I talked to Sheila and she told me that everything was ready. She had installed cameras in several discreet places throughout the house that we had rented for this purpose. She asked me what was going to happen tomorrow and I told her that I didn't know. I told her about his instructions and she laughed and asked me if I was scared. I told her I was terrified but I was going to go through with it. She then looked over the "toys" he'd given me and we both laughed at the thought of what I'd look like tomorrow. Sheila told me I'd look marvelous and even managed to talk me into trying on the collar. It felt strange as I put it on and shivers ran down my spine when I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good but I was scared again. I had another drink and went to bed.

It was 10:15 when I awoke the next morning and my neck was slightly stiff. It wasn't until I got to the bathroom that I realized that I'd fallen asleep with the collar on. That startled me into realizing that I had to be across town by noon. I'd never make it in time! Instead of my normal morning routine I settled for a quick shower. By then it was 11:00 and I knew that it would take me half an hour just to drive there. I grabbed some clothes and put them in a small bag, slipped into my panties and a bra, put a raincoat on over it and hopped straight into my car. I arrived at my destination with only minutes to spare. I ran inside, put the bag and the raincoat in the closet and with more than a little hesitation I put on my collar and chains. It was ten minutes till 12:00 when I finished. Then I realized that I'd forgotten to take off my panties and bra. To make matters worse my bra hooks in back and I'd handcuffed my hands in front. With much struggling I managed to release the bra and pull down my panties only moments before I heard the crunch of feet coming up the front walk. Time stretched out to an eternity as I waited for the door to open. In the last moments before the door opened I assumed the correct kneeling position and panic welled up in me as I thought of the possibility that it might be someone else. It wasn't and I almost smiled as his familiar form walked in the door. My smile disappeared almost immediately when I heard his words. "Stupid SLUT, I thought I told you I wanted you NAKED, I can see that you tried so I'll only give you 5 this time." With that he grabbed my hair and forced my head down, leaving my ass vulnerable. There was a whistle through the air and then my bottom exploded in pain! I screamed "BASTARD!!!" and he yelled "Shut up BITCH or I'll gag you and give you 5 more!" I managed to get myself back under control when the second blow arrived. I screamed again and he reached down, pulled my head up by the hair and shoved a gag into my mouth. He held me in place with my hair and hailed down 8 more blows onto my now tender bottom. By the time I received the last blow I had been reduced to whimpers from what I was sure had to have been the most terrible beating anyone could ever have had to have endure. After he was done he lifted me up to a standing position and dried my tears. For just that moment I was glad he had gagged me because I knew that I would have ended everything and gone home rather than be struck again. When I had finished crying and gotten control of myself again he looked me in the face and said, "You really are new at this aren't you?" I simply nodded and he went on. "Then I think it's time you got a little training in the appropriate behavior of a slave. I'm going to blindfold you and have you listen to a training tape. Once it's done I will expect you to remember and obey EVERY command on the tape. Nod now if you want to continue with your training, otherwise shake your head in the negative and I will release you, send you home and you'll never hear from me again." I thought about it for a few moments and realized that right now I didn't have anything on him. Finally I decided it was worth the pain, that I would go through with it no matter what. Slowly I nodded and he reached forward and put a blindfold over my eyes. I couldn't see a thing. It scared me knowing just how helpless I was standing there bound, blindfolded and gagged. He could do anything to me and I'd never be able to stop him. Still it was too late to turn back now and his voice broke me out of my moment of thoughtfulness. "Ok slave, listen to the tape and remember everything it says, the punishment for failing to learn your lessons will be 3 swats per failure." I gulped and nodded and he placed the earphones over my ears. For the next ten minutes I listened carefully as instruction after instruction repeated through the headphones. I was lost and I knew it. Some of the commands were easy to remember but I knew I would missed a few. As the tape ended I waited in silent fear for him to remove the headphones and begin testing me. The first thing he did was clip something to my neck, from the tape I knew it would be a leash and that my testing had begun. One tug once on my leash came, the order to follow, I turned to follow it and immediately tripped over my chains. He caught me before I could hit the ground and lifted me back to my feet. Again the single tug came and I moved to follow. I made it three steps this time before tripping. He caught me again but this time I heard him say, "I won't catch you again, SLUT!" The voice sounded slightly strange, probably from lust, I imagined. I did my best this time. I think I almost made it into the living room when I tripped again. As promised, he didn't even try to catch me. I fell forward and my hands, handcuffed as they were, only helped the landing a little. As I lay there on the ground I felt him tug again and for the first time I discovered how hard it is to get up while shackled. I managed to rise and finally he gave me the two tug signal to stop. So I stood there shivering and awaiting the next command. Finally he put me through my paces, one command after another, until the entire list was done. I had missed five. He then had me kneel and began the punishment. After three swats I broke pose and earned another five. It took every ounce of will for me survive the next 17 blows and at the end I was shaking, sure that I would die. He gave me a few minutes to recover and then placed the earphones back on after warning me that each failure this time would get me 10. I listened with every ounce of my being to this tape that could bring me punishment and thought I had them all, but half way through the testing I missed one. This time the punishment was much worse, and again I found myself praying for the end. No amount of money was worth this much pain but there was no way to end it until he decided it was time to stop. I swore to myself that I would get them all right next time and I prayed that he would let that be the end to my training for the day. This time when he played the tape I got every single command. I would have smiled if it hadn't been for that DAMN gag. It was deforming my mouth, causing me no small amount of discomfort and causing my mouth to be as dry as a desert. I was so caught up in my momentary reverie that I almost missed the command to kneel, legs spread. Now, for the first time, he began to touch my naked body. He slipped his fingers between my legs and felt my cunt. I suddenly realized I was VERY wet. He moved around behind me and gave the command for me to assume all fours with my ass sticking up. This time two fingers slipped inside me and I moaned through the gag in my mouth. The next thing I knew he slipped his fingers out and began forcing them into my virgin asshole. The feeling was very uncomfortable but any thought of discomfort disappeared when his other hand began massaging my pussy lips. I tried to hump his fingers but he ordered me to freeze. I did. What happened next was almost worse than the punishment, for what seemed like forever he kept bringing me to the edge of orgasm and then he'd stop and let me cool down. Any time I tried to move just a little to obtain orgasm he would immediately stop and spank me five times. I learned my lesson quickly and after two spanking sessions I was determined to hold still, praying that he would grant me my release. He didn't. Instead he decided to insert something larger into my ass to see how I'd react. The dildo felt even stranger than the fingers, but it felt good and I was soon back on the edge of orgasm. This time he didn't stop, and I soon felt the beginning shudders of orgasm coming on. I realized that if I moved he'd probably really lay into me, so I used every ounce of will I had to remain perfectly still while the orgasm pulsed through my body. It was almost painful and when the orgasm was spent I felt so weak that I didn't think I could move another inch. Fortunately he relented and let me rest a few minutes before commanding me back to a kneeling position. Then he just walked away, a few seconds later I heard the door slam and I panicked, where was he going? Was he just going to leave me like this? Could I escape if he didn't return??? I had begun trying to get the blindfold off when I heard his footsteps returning. "SLUT! When I give an order I expect it to be obeyed, not just ignored the instant my back is turned. I'll teach you." Then he gave me the command to kneel and without even thinking I did. After the first five blows I broke pose. I just curled up into a tight little ball as he beat my back and bottom until the only thought in my head was stopping the pain and getting as far away from him as I possibly could. Finally the blows stopped and he let me recover myself there on the floor. Several minutes later he commanded me to stand and led me back to the doorway where the whole scene had begun. Once again he commanded me to kneel. This time he walked out the front door. I heard his car start but I didn't dare move because I NEVER wanted to go through a beating like that last one again. I continued kneeling there for what seemed like hours. Finally, I heard the sound of a car pulling back up the drive. Silently I prayed that it would be him because I didn't even want to think about what someone else might do with me if they found me like this. After interminable minutes the door opened and someone stepped in, my heart raced as I waited to find out what would happen next. Finally he spoke, commanding me to stand. I did so shakily because of the long period of time I had spent kneeling there on the floor. After a few seconds I heard the clicking of a key and he removed the shackles from my legs, then he moved up and unlocked my arms. I was beginning to wonder what his plans were when his hands reached behind my head and undid the gag, I was so grateful when he removed it that I almost broke pose. Moments later he removed the blindfold and I stood there blinking for several moments while my eyes adjusted. After that I just stood there a moment waiting to see what was next. Finally he grinned and told me that I had performed admirably. I smiled and said "Thank you," which got a slight frown, and then he said, "next time we will definitely have to work on your etiquette, but I'll let it pass this time. Why don't you put your clothes back on and I'll take you out for dinner." I thought for a moment and replied, "No thank you Sir, it's been a long day and I just want to shower and get some sleep." He said "OK" and left me to tidy myself up. I breathed a sigh of relief as he drove away and then I locked the door, went upstairs and took a long hot bath. I was still sore when I climbed into bed and I NEVER wanted to go through anything like that again. But the thoughts of what I'd do with the money he'd HAVE to give me was enough to help me get to sleep.

I awoke late the next morning to the smell of coffee rising up from downstairs and decided that Sheila had probably come by to see how things had gone. I dressed and made my way downstairs. Sheila had apparently been busy while I slept. She had just finished making copies of the video and was relaxing on the couch waiting for me. I asked her if she'd watched and she said yes, so I asked her what she thought. She told me she didn't know how I could have handled it and I told her "I didn't, I just did everything I could to make it end as fast as possible." She nodded and asked me when we were going to give him his little surprise. I thought about it and told her I'd call him today and arrange for him to come over later for a private screening. She smiled and asked if she could stick around upstairs and listen to the fun. I laughed and said, "Sure, it'll be fun having someone listen while I make that BASTARD squirm." I went into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast and devoured it before I gave him a call and invited him over. Needless to say he was curious but agreed to come. Two hours later he arrived. I told him that i had taped the previous days entire proceedings and that it was going to cost him $100,000 dollars to keep it from accidentally falling into the wrong hands. He thought about it a moment and asked to see the video before making up his mind. I obliged telling him that I had another copy in a VERY safe place. He just nodded. I crossed the room and placed the tape in the VCR. After a few seconds the picture came up. I watched as a complete stranger led me into this very room. I was so shocked that I just sat there and watched for several minutes before saying anything. Finally, I turned on him with all the anger of an enraged lion and said, "You BASTARD, you set me up, who was that????" He just smiled and pushed the stop button, then he said, "That was an employee of mine. Apparently after your little meeting yesterday he ran into a bit of foul play and was most viciously murdered. What's even stranger is that he was killed with one of your high-heel shoes to the back of the head. That, this tape, and some other evidence I've managed to phony up make you a very strong suspect in a murder case and I expect you'll probably get twenty years. I guess you'd better hope they never find the body." I screamed, "NOOOO!!!! Why are you doing this to ME??? All I wanted was a little bit of money, that's all!" He looked at me calmly and said, "You were looking for money, but I was looking for a slave. If you don't kneel for me NOW and accept me as your unconditional owner for the next 10 years I'll see to it that you end up spending 20 to life in JAIL! So, what's it going to be my little gold digger, 10 years in relative comfort as my own personal slave or the rest of your life with the dregs of humanity?" At this I broke into tears and he held me tightly for many minutes while I wept. Finally I got myself back under control and he stood back up and waited patiently for my reply. There really wasn't much of a choice and the BASTARD knew it, after a few minutes I stood up, stepped forward and knelt before him and said. "Sir, I choose to be your slave, please do with me as you will." As soon as I said that he stepped forward and put the collar about my neck and gave me the command to kneel. I did so, and then my new master spoke, "Very good SLUT, now meet the person who helped me set you up so well." I almost cried when Sheila came walking down the stairs wearing a collar similar to mine. I was completely blown away when he said, "I believe you know Sheila, my favorite slave and the person who will be in charge of your training." As I knelt there in shock Sheila walked up and before I knew what was happening she kissed me full on the lips and quietly promised that I'd learn to love it.

So it was i began my life as a slave five years ago today. It was hard at first but i'm not sure i'd change any of it now. i've learned a lot about myself since that day. i think perhaps a part of me was submissive all along. i don't know what i'll do when my 10 years of service ends. That's still a long way off so i guess i'll just keep living as Master orders and find out when the time comes. For now i need to run. Master is giving me my first nipple ring tonight as a fifth anniversary present and i need to make myself ready...


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