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Sub to Dom

by Chinchy

Sub to Dom

Dan woke up and stretched. He needed to get ready for class. He looked around and sighed. Wow, was his dorm a mess. He didn't care though- he knew where to find his clothes and math textbook. He looked at the clock. “Shit, I'm gonna be late for class!” He threw on an outfit, grabbed his stuff and ran out the door.
On his way down the hall, he ran into a girl. They both fell to the ground, their papers and books flying everywhere. “Sorry!” he said, blushing. He looked at the girl. She was about medium height. She had long, black hair, and a beautiful face. Her eyes were deep purple, and her body was to die for. She wore a black shirt and jeans.
“It's fine, it's fine,” she said, brushing her hair out of her eyes. She looked up at him, then smiled. “You know, you look just like the guy I need.”
Dan frowned. “Huh?”
“My name's Tracy,” said the girl, crawling over to him and looking directly in his eyes. It was odd... Dan couldn't seem to break eye contact with her. “Will you tell me your name, hon?”
Tracy chuckled. “Simple, but cute! Where were you headed?” She gently pushed him up against the wall and sat in his lap, seeming to peer into his soul.
“Math class... you?”
“No you weren't. You were going to come with me, you just didn't know it.”
Dan shook his head, continuing to stare deep into Tracy's eyes. “No, no, I have to go to math class.”
“No you don't, you have to come with me! Come on, it'll be more fun anyway.”
Dan began to protest, but then he suddenly forgot what he was thinking. “Well... ok, I guess. Where are we going?”
Tracy giggles and got up, helping Dan up, too. “Oh, let's just hang out in my dorm for a few.”
Dan nodded, gathering up their stuff. “Alright, sounds like fun! Lead the way!”
Tracy grinned and walked down the hallway, Dan following after her. When they got to her room, she closed and locked the door.
Dan chuckled. “You know, it's kinda early in the day for sex.”
Tracy laughed again. “Don't worry, that's not what we're going to be doing.” She sat down at her desk chair, and Dan sat down in another chair, looking at Tracy. “No, if you'll just look into my eyes, I think you'll find that we're going to be doing something much more fun!”
Dan nodded and gazed deeply into her eyes. There was something about them. An entire new world seemed to be behind her eyes. Swirls of colors and light... swirls of wonder. Dan smiled and listened to Tracy.
“You seem to be a very willing subject. That's good, however we're going to change that eventually. For now just sit back and relax. You want me into your mind.”
Dan wavered a little, replying with “Yes... come...into my...”
“You can feel me in your mind. You love the feeling. It feels better than anything you've ever imagined. Even sex.” Dan closed his eyes, leaned back and moaned. Tracy could clearly see Dan's dick getting hard inside his pants. She smiled. “Yes, you love it.. You love the feeling of me inside your mind...changing you. Changing you mind...and your body. It's as if this was meant to be. You are about to become the person you truly are. The person you've always wanted to be.” Tracy pause for a minute, then continued. “You now feel my words flowing through you. Changing your body to become more feminine. And not just feminine, but furry, as well! You feel your chest beginning to bulge out and grow sleek, red fur.”
Dan lifted up his hands and felt his chest. He moaned with pleasure as he felt lumps forming. As time went on, his body continued to change. He felt his cock begin to shrink, being pulled up into some hole that was forming between his legs. His legs were shifting, too, becoming sleeker and sexier. His feet began to shift into paws, his ears grew longer and fluffier, and a tail began to sprout out on his back. But the biggest change was going on inside him. He was beginning to feel more of a kinship with this new body...no longer a man, but a female! She'd always been female inside. Hadn't she?
“Now, you may open your eyes to examine yourself, but you will still be in trance,” Tracy said. Dan opened her eyes and looked at her new self.
“Wow, you did a great job on me, girl!” Dan said, looking at her red, sleek coat, and swishing her full, fluffy tail back and forth.
“Thank you, fox, but the body is just part 1. Now it's time to change you on the inside. You'd like that, wouldn't you?”
Dan nodded, and continued to stare into Tracy's eyes. “Your name is now Danielle. You are smart, sexy and very confident with yourself. You like what you like, and if anyone yells at you for it, something's wrong with THEM, not you.”
Danielle nodded, smiling dreamily. “You are very possessive. Everyone you see should be yours, and so should everything they own that you want. After all, you're such a perfect person that they should be begging you to accept them. The only person who you don't think this way towards is me, Tracy. You're my best friend, and you idolize me. After all, I'm the only one who can hypnotize you. The only one who can give you this pleasure. And you're going to obey each and every thing I say.”
Danielle nodded again, feeling a deep appreciation for the good that Tracy was doing well up inside her furry chest. “Of course, honey! Anything you say!”
Tracy grinned again. “You are very interested in hypnosis. You love the power that hypnosis gives you over people. The thought of bending their hopes, their dreams, their very will just makes you wet. It's your biggest and most powerful kink.”
Danielle's mind filled with thoughts of entrancing various guys she knew. She'd make everyone lover her! Everyone would kiss her ass! Even as she sat there, her pants began to get wet with her juice.
“And one more thing, Danielle.”
“Yes, Tracy?” Danielle said, eagerly.
“Every change I've made is permanent. Totally and completely permanent. Nothing can undo it, not time or even me. These changes are simply who you are now. You are a sexy, smart, dommy, hypnotic fox, named Danielle. The only person you don't want to own is me.” Tracy got up and sat in Danielle's lap, staring deep into her soul. Danielle smiled and kissed Tracy.
“Of course, hon! I am who I am!” Danielle said.
Tracy giggled. “On the count of three, you will awaken and no longer be in trance. 1...2...3!”
Danielle blinked and got up, wagging her tail. “Thanks, Tracy!” she said, hugging her. “You've shown me who I truly am! I can never repay you for that!”
“I know,” said Tracy, hugging back.
“It's such a shame that it took me so long to become this!” Danielle said, ashamed. “And my room's a fucking mess! This is so embarrassing.”
“Hey, don't worry! That was the wimpy, human, male you. You aren't that person anymore!” Tracy said, smiling warmly and embracing Danielle. “And now, you never will be again!”
Danielle giggled and opened the door. “Hey, could you help me clean up my room?”
Tracy nodded. “Yup! What else are friends for, girl! But first, we've gotta get you new clothes. Those rank, boyish rags are NOT you.”
Danielle looked down and blushed. “Yeah. We might wanna go to the mall later and find me something new to wear.”
Tracy patted her on the back and walked out of the room with her. Suddenly, Danielle perked up.
“Hey, Tracy, how about you and I create a following? If we play our cards right, we could end up owning this college, and everyone in it!”
Tracy thought about it for a moment, then smiled evilly, “That, my dear, is a wonderful idea.”


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