
  • MC-1: Masculine Conditioning Core — $20   , ,  
    Achieve exactly the kind of masculinity that you want without any preconceptions about who you are or what kind of manly man you want to be with Masculine Conditioning. These files gently condition you to associate masculinity with pleasure while teaching your mind techniques for using the power of natural selection to find a vision of masculinity that works for you and achieves your goals in a way that can be sustained for the rest of your life. Powerful enough to turn a woman into a man, versatile enough for just about any guy to get more masculine.
    This is file 1 of 9 in the Masculine Conditioning series, In this file you will learn the system's notion of gender and masculinity as well as a framework that will allow your subconscious mind to guide you on your journey to masculinity across your life, free from conscious interference, plus install a few triggers used in later files.  Binaural version is a time-saving shorter reinforcement version that omits the trance trainer.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 45:23
    Downloads: 413
    Can I ask what is the difference between this and alters - manly spirit?
    Feeling that my journey to the sexy confident masculine man that I want to be has begun. Was possibly the deepest trance ever.