
  • Telling Spree — $10    

    This recording adds another piece to the puzzle of your hypnotic conditioning. Feel a compulsion to tell someone your secret fantasies, then more people appropriate to tell. The more people you tell, the more entrenched this become in your sexual identity. It feels great getting it off your chest and opening up. It feels great accepting yourself for who you really are. It's finally time to come out. See all my recordings at www.slutinmyhead.com. Voting and comments keep recordings free. Thank you!!

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 10:17
    Downloads: 113
    A shorter file for when you have only a moment to relax and go deep. Like many of SIMH's files, this one has a narrative/conversational style that kind of prevents you from noticing that you're going under--feels more like you're having a quiet, comfortable conversation with a trustworthy friend. Even though it's a shorter file, it's still effective--I've historically had some hesitation bringing myself to speak my truth to people, but since I've started listening to this, I've noticed that I've been able to be much more matter-of-fact with others about my sexual desires without even thinking about it.