
  • Did You Notice You're A Dog? `M4M`    

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    This file will transform you into a dog when you hear the trigger phrase. You will notice that you are just a dog. You have a dog's furry body, with a wagging tail and clumsy paws. You have a dog's brain - ready to accept commands and bark loudly. Of course, this means you also have a dog's desires.


    By listening you accept full responsibility for any and all effects, including but not limited to: a desire to bark, walking on all fours... getting overly familiar with the furniture.


    Listen with headphones for the best experience. This is the Male version. 


    `Cum to wake up once triggered like a good horny dog`



    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 25:47
    Downloads: 232
    Trigger(by anyone)
    woof me likes that one, well done thx for it.