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Bunny Party (3/7)

by Briar

Bunny Party (3/7)

Part 1 HERE
Part 2 HERE

As expected, Keith's transformation started with the bodysuit Ann had showed him earlier. She unzipped the zipper at the back, and held it open as Keith stepped in. The material was sticky, and Keith had a hard time getting into it, but a little baby powder from a container in the garment bag, applied strategically by Ann, helped immensely. Within a few minutes, she was rezipping the suit, and Keith was totally encased.
The feeling was indescribable. He felt like he was totally covered, from head to foot, but when he looked down at himself, he felt naked. It was amazing how quickly he'd come to think of the suit as him. His skin, his curves, his hips, his boobs, even though he knew, on some level, they were fake, he also felt attached. It was surreal.
“So you said I could pee with this thing on?” He asked.
“Yep, pretty cool, huh? That sheath your penis is in has a little tube at the end that'll redirect the urine out through another hole here.” Ann slid a finger between Keith's legs, where the suit's vagina would have been. “It's convenient, but you're going to have to remember to sit to do it. I've heard that can be easy to forget. Luckily pooping is the same as usual. The suit's just got a slit in the back, I'm sure you can feel it.” Keith nodded. “The rest of the outfit has holes that should line up with that one, so bathroom breaks are actually pretty straightforward. The tail covers them up, but it can make it a bit uncomfortable to sit, so we'll save that for last.”
“Ahh, so that's why the tail seems so low.”
Ann laughed. “Yep, that's the reason. It's not perfect, but it's also a pretty small price to pay for the convenience.”
Once the suit was on, Ann started touching up the seams. Anywhere that skin gave way to suit, she blended the two together with a combination of powders and putties from her makeup kit. “This is the trickiest part,” she informed Keith. “It's gotta be just right, or someone'll notice. All of these areas will be covered up later, but it's important to attend to every detail. If anything's going to go wrong, it'll be something to do with this, so no cutting corners.”
When Ann was happy with her work hiding the seams between Keith's real skin and the fake one, it was time to get him dressed. She had him sit on the bed while she rolled up a fresh pair of white pantyhose. One by one, she set the feet over Keith's toes, and rolled, tugged and straightened the stretchy garment up each leg. Once his legs were totally and perfectly white, she had him stand up to adjust the waist portion. This was followed immediately by a set of fishnet pantyhose, which went on in the same fashion.
The feeling was strange for Keith. He couldn't directly feel the pantyhose through the bodysuit, but he could feel how they gripped his legs and waist. But, as strange as it was, the next piece was even stranger. Once the pantyhose were on, Ann had him step into the same kind of one-piece outfit that she and Becky wore. It was a bizarre contraption, Keith thought. The top resembled a corset or bustier, with laces up the back and some firm ribbing to hold it in place on the wearer while making some modifications to his or her figure. But on the bottom, it looked at least a size too small. Keith soon realized that, like the pantyhose, it only looked that way because it was meant to stretch. As Ann pulled it up his legs and the bottom reached his crotch, he felt the material gripping his every curve. He was immediately very grateful for the suit's penis sheath. As Ann pulled it up further, Keith felt it settle around his chest, cupping his new breasts as Ann started to do the lacing up the back.
“Alright, deep breath now. On three. One. Two. Three!” Ann pulled the laces tight and tied them off. “How's that feel?”
Keith let out his breath and tried to take another. He was surprised to find his breathing hadn't been particularly affected. “Pretty good, actually,” he said. “You always hear about these things being awful, but this isn't so bad.”
Ann laughed a bit. “It's been a while since we wore them that tight, at least in public that is. Besides, you get a bit of a bonus. You get a fair bit of body shaping from the suit, so there's not much left for the outfit to do. Still, I tied it fairly tight. Wouldn't want you to miss out on any of the experience, would we?” She laughed again.
With the core of the outfit in place, Ann moved on to the details. She dug up a set of cuffs and fastened one to each of Keith's wrists using red, heart-shaped cufflinks. Just as she'd promised, the cuffs sat directly over the ends of the suit's sleeves. She really was serious about hiding those, Keith thought. Next came the white choker, which covered the seam along his neck. Keith was impressed. From the neck down, he really did look like a bunny girl.
But Ann wasn't finished yet. She sat him down in a chair near the vanity, though she'd carefully arranged it so that the mirror was behind him, so he couldn't see what she was doing. Then she pulled over one of her makeup bags and started rummaging through it until she pulled out a set of fake fingernails and adhesive.
“Your nails aren't quite long enough to be convincing,” she explained as she applied the adhesive to one of Keith's nails, one of the false ones, then pressed the two together, repeating as she worked her way down each hand. “And, this way, it'll be easier to get rid of the evidence. People are less likely to notice a bit of nail adhesive than spots of red polish the remover couldn't erase.” Once the fake nails we on, Ann filed them down a bit to an appropriate length and shape, then painted each one the same bright red as hers and Becky's. She worked quickly, with an expert's confidence, so the entire process took no more than a few minutes, but still she apologized for the wait, promising that this would be the worst of it, and that the rest of the makeover would be more exciting. By the time she was done, their hands were practically identical.
As the polish was drying, Ann examined Keith's stockinged feet. After a few seconds, she nodded and grabbed a couple of nearby shoe boxes. “This is a bit harder than it was for your wife,” she said, unboxing a pair of red pumps. “We want the shoes to fit just right, so it's easier to just measure your feet than try to convert from men's to women's sizes, but without an actual measure, we'll have to try a couple options just to be sure.” She slipped the shoe onto Keith's foot and fastened the little red ankle strap. “How does that feel?”
Keith wasn't exactly sure, and he told Ann so. “I don't really know how a high heel is supposed to feel, you know?”
“True,” Ann acknowledged. “Let's do it this way then. I'll do one shoe from each pair, and you tell me which feels better. I think you'll get it once you have something to compare.”
Keith was amazed at how right Ann had been. He hadn't had an issue with the first shoe when he tried it on, but as soon as she fastened the ankle strap on the second, he knew that the first one was too big. Ann replaced it with a third pair, smaller still, but this was clearly too small, and they agreed that the second pair was the best.
“Strictly speaking, we didn't need to do that just yet,” Ann said. “But it's best if you're as used to those heels as possible. I know you won't be up for a walk just yet, but I've got something that'll help with that, actually. For now, just try to get comfortable with the fact that your feet are in a different position than you're used to, and that they'll be strapped in to it for the rest of the night.”
Next, Keith's short hair was tucked under a wig cap, “Just to be safe,” according to Ann, and a set of dark brown curls reaching below his shoulders had replaced it. The combination of his upper back being left bare by the outfit and his newly extended hairstyle took some getting used to, but eventually Keith managed it. Finally, the ensemble was topped off with the obligatory bunny ear headband.
Ann stepped back momentarily to examine her work. “You look great,” she told him.
“Thank you,” Keith said. “You did all the work though, so don't give me too much credit.”
“Oh, I haven't done anything yet,” Ann said with a grin, pulling her makeup kit closer. “But first, there's one more thing we should get out of the way.” She reached into the kit and pulled out a little plastic container, from which she removed what looked like a piece of hard candy wrapped in pink wax paper, which she handed to Keith. “Unwrap that, suck on it for ten seconds, then swallow it.” She instructed.
“This must be the lozenge Becky was telling me about.” Keith said, slipping it into his mouth.
“Yep,” Ann said. “It's not really a lozenge though. You wouldn't swallow a lozenge, just suck it. This one doesn't work unless you swallow it. Which you should be doing just about now, by the way.”
Keith had expected to choke on the not-quite lozenge, but it went down surprisingly smoothly.
“Awesome! Those things always take a little while to start working, so I like to take them before I do makeup. Plus, it's best if you don't talk during that time, so double win. Now, let's get to work.”


Re: Bunny Party (3/7) - Briar

Part 4 is up Here [www.warpmymind.com]

Re: Bunny Party (3/7) - Briar

Part 5 is up HERE [www.warpmymind.com]

Re: Bunny Party (3/7) - Briar

Part 6 is up HERE [www.warpmymind.com]

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