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Fem Ring pt 2

by combat_tist

Fem Ring pt 2

Panicking, I start to make a mental inventory of the day. What happened to me? How did I not notice any of these changes? Throwing the blanket off, I race to the full length mirror in the bathroom. Taking a slow inventory of myself, I wonder in amazement how I went from being an about average Mexican male, to this strangely familiar looking Latin beauty. Thankfully, I didn’t get any shorter or I would have really lost it. My dark brown eyes were now a vivid green. My high and tight was now a black mane that covered all the way past my shoulder blades. My breasts seemed to be a large B cup, though I was too shocked to bother checking the tag on the bra I was previously wearing. I still had my bronze colored skin and my feet seemed a bit smaller. Taking all this in was proving to be harder than I could imagine.

Trembling I slumped to the floor. I haven’t been this shocked since the time when I had a close encounter of the explosion type. I was working on a humvee when it happened. Had I not moved when I did, a chunk of shrapnel about the size of my fist would have given me a new chest piercing. I dove under the truck I was working on, the whole time thanking God that I moved when I did. I remember hitting my head on something, and my ears ringing, but I couldn’t hear anything for hours. I lost all equilibrium for three days. It took me a while before I was able to gather myself enough to run to the bunker. Everyone thought I was dead because it took me so long to get there. You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes when you think you’re about to die? All I could think about was how I wished I was a girl my whole life and I didn’t want to die before doing something about it. I didn’t want it to end there.

Laughing to myself, I slowly come out of the flashback trance I was in. I recall all the other close calls I had that tour back in 2005 and how surprisingly enough, every one of them involved some sort of regret over not being in the right body before dieing. As I regained my composure, I idly wished I knew what was going on. Being in semi-darkness, I noticed the ring glowing for the first time. The Ring! It has to be the work of the ring, but how? I think back on the day and slowly I start to realize all the idle wishes I made. It seems every time I made a wish, I was slowly feminized. Wait, I just made a wish, but I didn’t notice anything happen. Was the magic of the ring over or was it just done feminizing me? As I kept trying to figure it out, I felt myself getting a little flushed. Standing naked in front of a mirror was starting to take its toll on my still male mind. Without realizing what was going on, my left hand started to slowly rub my thighs and nether regions.

I reached down to take the ring off as a precaution, but for some reason, my hands wouldn't quite cooperate with my mind. Slowly, the fog started to settle over me again. In a daze, I walked over to my bed and laid down for the night. Still unaware of my roaming left hand, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of someone giggling. Looking around, I didn’t see anyone, but I kept hearing the giggling like someone was there with me. It took me a while to realize I wasn’t in my room. I wasn’t even in a room. I was lying in the middle of a flower bed in what looked strangely like the woods I used to frequent as a teen . . .


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