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World of Dogs

by creepybaby

Chapter 1

Tim is fooling around with his friends on the way to school. They make jokes, jump and run on the sidewalk, past the houses and gardens of the settlement. Suddenly Tim jumps. There is loud barking and a growl behind him. The other kids are staring at Tim and the big dog behind him. Tim turns around slowly and stands directly in front of a huge black dog. The dog had his forepaws propped up against a fence and looked Tim straight in the face. He screamed in shock. Then he ran. He ran away as fast as he could. The other kids behind. Behind the next corner, Tim's friends stopped. The dog was no longer visible. "Phew," said one of the boys, "was the big one. The Tim has certainly shit in fear. I would have done it for sure. Where is he anyway? "Tim had not stopped. He had run as fast as he could. He had run to school. Only then did he feel safe. When the other children arrived at the school they made jokes about Tim and the big dog. After this experience, Tim always took a detour to school, so that he no longer had to pass the house with the dog. That's why the other kids often annoyed him. One day, Tim's dad went to school. He wanted to go to the bank, which was right next to the school. As he turned into the street where the house with the big dog was in the garden, Tim moved on with his father. "What's up", the father wondered "We have to turn here". "No," Tim said, "I always go this way, that's better." "Tim," the father contradicted, "that takes far too long. I do not have that much time. "" But I do not want to go there, "Tim lamented. "I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry, we're going here now," ordered the father, pulling Tim behind him. Together they ran down the street. Just as they came past the house with the big dog, he suddenly stood again at the fence and barked, just like the last time. "Huh," his father turned around, startled, and stood frozen in terror, "but he is tall!" "Yes," said a man who appeared in the garden just as suddenly as his dog "and he makes fun of scary people walking past the fence. I've forbidden him that many times before. But he does not listen to me. Otherwise he is a sweet animal. I hope he did not scare you too much "? "Oh, um, no, no. It's alright, "his father still stammered a little disturbed. Tim was all white in the face and rigid with fear. "You know," said the man. "My Hasso is terribly devoured. Give him one of those dog treats here. He will love you for that ". The man gave the father from a box a treat in the hand. "Tim, would you like to give something to the dog"? Asked the father. Tim was unable to answer. He took a treat and threw it far into the garden, so that the dog had to run away from the fence to get it. Tail wagging and smacking, he came back, sat down in front of Tim at the fence and begged for more treats. Tim had to laugh. That looked funny. Now he threw one directly in his mouth. "Your son gets on well with dogs," said the man behind the fence, if you want you can even pet him once. The Hasso is actually a very nice ". Tim did not dare then. "So," said the father, "but now it is time. We have to continue. Until next time. Goodbye". "Goodbye," said the man behind the fence. When the two had gone a bit, the father said to Tim, "the dog was quite tall. I was very scared when he suddenly stood there and barked ". "Me too," said Tim, "but actually he is very nice." "That's right," said the father, "but in foreign dogs you must always be careful first". When Tim and his friends went to school the next day, they walked the same way as before, past the house with the dog. The other children changed the street side in front of the house to avoid having to walk directly past the fence. Tim did not do that. He ran straight for Hasso, who stood in the garden, barking when he saw the children. Tim threw him a dog treat that he had pocketed earlier. When Hasso sat begging again at the fence, Tim even stroked it. Then he looked at his friends, who stood with wide eyes and open mouths across the street, holding their breath. "Well, you scaredy cat," laughed Tim, caressing Hasso. "Now we can go further. Come on, we have to go to school, "Tim shouted across the street to his friends and patted Hasso once more on the shoulder. The children watched from across the street and could barely believe how brave Tim was then the Dog bite Tim the children laughing at him. They walked home and Tim Slowly start to barking but he don't know why. After a while he only barks. Tim is scared about this he try to speak normaly all the time but only barks comes out. Then he look at his hands because they feel different he see that his hands transform into paws. Into dog paws . Then his feets also transform into dog paws and he starts to crawl on all 4. A girl see him and walks to him. The girl look at him and he bite him. Now Tim grow a tail and the girl only barking. After a short time the both are complete dogs. And they bite every one to infect everyone with the dog virus . Until the complete world are dogs and when the every human becomes dogs Tim and the Girl will the king and the queen of the world. But maybe someone transform then back to a human


Pls don't be so hard on me


I know it's just like a child story but yea I hope you enjoy that


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