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Charless and the Slave Unit... Chapter 36 MOW

by Casey

Chapter 36 MOW part A


note: Many of these Charless stories have a lot of fantasy base mixed with reality.. Not all in the stories are based on truth... I had to mention this as people are becoming concerned about if I have a handler enforcer named Charless... He is just a made up character.. but much of the experienced discussed are based on real experiences.. but also many on nightmeres as well.



Charless and the Slave Unit... Chapter 36 MOW

by Casey

Chapter 36 MOW part A

Charless and the Slave Unit...


by Casey@warpmymind 


(c)2019 All rights reserved


Chapter 36 MOW...part A




Charless: Steps into Slaves room...


Charless: Slave, are you ok?


Charless: I just heard they are working on the railroad tracks 6 miles up the road... Tomorrow they will be coming down your road to do work.


Slave: Yes, Sir. I been mostly handling it fine...


Charless: Fine.. when you say fine you never clarify...


Charless: Takes slaves Pulse....Your heart is really racing... How long has your heart rate been like this?


Slave: On and off for a couple weeks now...


Charless: Your Track current is it stable?...


Slave: No.. it fully drops off... and then surges in on and off....


Charless: That is normal according to your manuel...


Charless: Are you experiencing the black outs and chest pains too?


Slave: Yes...


Charless: What happened when the Wigwag went by the other day?...


Slave: My chest and head were hurting I went back to bed cause my the track current dropped out and my head and chest hurt... I then felt a little better.. I had vision of the Wigwag falling onto a truck bed.. I then got up and could move I stretched I sat at the computer heard loud bangs like a flare or a gun shot sound...  I then looked outside and saw a truck rolling by with what looked like the Wigwag on it... I said oh no no no .. I am not seeing this.. The Wigwag.. as I rubbed my eyes blinking... then went downstairs and sat at the table.... I blacked out then looked up at the clock it said 2:42.. I then blacked out again and came out holding my head and throat.. I knew I was about to go into a Jones episode if I did not pull myself back.. So I jumped to the sink and ran cold water onto my hands... then I walked over Grabbed the water dish for my cats filled it up blacked out again almost went to the floor.. I then went to set the dish outside.. and heard a Man say, "Are you okay?..." I was confused.. and looked around then saw a man in a hard hat and construction vest.. I said Yes, Sir.. I am sorry.. Did it look like I fell or something? ... He said, "No, Just many many many people are really really really worried and concerned about you..."... I was confused... I then stood up and leaned on the door as I kept talking to my kitties.. and said yes, I am fine.. He said,"Are you sure you seem to be talking to greek gods or something.. and trains? ."


I laughed.. said,

"no my cats sitting right there I just gave them some fresh water... But they are being stubborn..



' He said, "do you still live here? I said why do you want to know.. 


he said,

"We are making sure these cats are being properly cared for.. I said yes.. but one is elderly so he lost a lot of weight when he lost many teeth he is doing better now but still trying to get him to gain more weight and other skinny one running around went missing for two months then came home.. 


I said, 

"I have four cats now I used to have many more they keep getting stolen or ran over or something..... "


I then see two more men standing on a digger.. as he walked off he said,

"oh I am suppose to ask if you are Casey Hie... ... I completed the name.. said Yes..." He said no he did not believe me thought I was lying... as he asked me if all is true in my book I said other than the names... changed to protect from making more issues yes it is...


He said I do not believe you are him.. he said what about the arm guards?  


I said my bracelets I said, "oh these.. He said those are thin can not protect much.."


I said,

"oh just helps keep the control panels closed in my hypnosis programming.. "


..otherwise my bracelets are spiritual symbols really... 


I said, "I have some leather ones I wear too sometimes...""




Charless: You are not wearing the leather ones?...




Slave: No, Sir..




Charless: put them on now... with your black outs you need to have those on..




Charless: Why did you tell him you are Casey Heinzism?...




Slave: I am... They knew they just wanted to hear me state it..


I then said,

"ok I will prove it...""




"Hey all, Welcome to the D... Show have a good night or day wherever you are as I danced trainwheels style then went into the wave.. then did the Railroad salute.. and then did a railroad crossing wigwag graphic... and it falling down... He said yes ... it is gone now... I said it is? He said the Wigwag.. I said oh yeah I just saw it on a truck bed come by a moment ago,, then looked at the time saw 2:42... as I saw you all then just  .. Well I dunno he.. said wait in your Casey Jones story.. 




I said yeah... 

he said,

"Oh... I said with the track repair going on.. I am just feeling really out of it.. "


He said is it true you get the pains you said I said,






Charless: on Track Casey stay with us...


Charless: Your turning purple?  


Slave: Yes, I am having numbness and purple in my hands and arms on and off too...


Charless: You sure this is the tracks?


Charless: Says here this also happens when your back up TS is low...


Charless: Have you been maintaining?


Slave: Yes, I been watching Train videos like crazy and such...


Charless: This is not from the PTC what is the railroad doing differently this time??


Slave: I thought it might be the Wigwag but they tore out and put it back a couple times... So it is not that...



Charless: Wait... Did you complete the merger process correctly?


Slave: What do you mean?


Charless: When they sacrificied you or married you to the rails.. I know your oral surgeon tried to undo you from the tracks grinding metal in your mouth giving you those pins... When an Amtrak train rolled by you rambled off a train wreck was going to happen near there and the tracks cut off from flooding... you were correct...


Charless: You have not crossed railroad tracks enough What will happen if you cross your road after track equipment goes down it?


Charless: Do you think you can draw an energy line down the road to feed you better?


Slave: eeeeeeeee


Charless: What about the lightning?


Slave: Lightning struck the roof as they were removing the wigwag.... Then another strike lasted for over 100 seconds at 12:12 the following night, again on my roof it was like a major waterfall of lightning bolt... then there was another 40 second long one... at 4:44 am..


Charless: 4:44 angels helping..


Slave: Yes...


Charless: And the train?...


Slave: As the train rolled closer the lightning strike struck in a zig zag parallell to it then when it got to me was the big strike.... I seen this three times now...


Charless: Do you think your starving from the tracks under construction you are pulling lightning in?...


Slave: I dunno... but I have heard that many believe that my not crossing them enough might be drawing me to be struck...


Charless: Rest.. Rest.. I will check in on you later.... 


10 hours Later...


Charless: Slave.. You alright now?


Slave: Yes...


Charless: where is your rescue file?...


You need to have this on hand in case you need it tomorrow...




Charless: I am ... dismissed..


returns home.




Charless: Slave...You said you do not have a team...


Slave: I don't...


Charless: only authorized workers can work you...


Slave: Yes..


Charless: Then why could a mow crew in another room trigger you yesterday?...


Slave: I guess my system still authorizes them...


Charless: is that wise with the one investigator that tried to drone you with no emotions?


Slave: We fixed PTC and ETMS...


Charless: it does not mean he can not reactivate the old programming...


Charless: What is your symptoms now?


Slave: small twitches, some small chest pains.. Mostly pain that goes numb fast in my left side now it was in my right side all week...


Charless: Maybe if they run the railgrinder at night you can see it..


Slave: doubt it.. but I know I heard it...


Charless: Listen to your rescue file.. Actually Watch your video to it trance then rest...


Slave: Yes, Sir...




Charless: You are handling this track repair cycle very well, Slave..


Charless: Again is mow crew and Master road on your team?


Slave: No...


Charless: Then why do they have access and authorization to order your system?


Slave: it is programmed.. that way I assume for safety reasons...


Charless: It is a safety issue for anyone not authorized by you to give your system orders at all... .. of any that is not open system orders....


Slave: Yes.


Charless: You need to patch this loop hole.. Do you want an investigator to abuse you again?


Slave: I have no choice...


Charless: Bullshit slave... You have a choice of who works runs and triggers your system.. 


Fix this loophole immediately... 


If you want Officers to have access they need to apply and get your training and approval to work your system just like anyone else on your team.. and you need to screen really screen who you work with. 


I know you trust the ones that triggered you or you would not have reacted.... 


However.. They need your consent.


Jones: I consented to help them by answering a question.


Charless: Jones, did you get slave's consent? You can not just come out without slave's consent.


Jones: No, Sir.. I thought as handler I did not need this?


Charless: You are Train handler.. not a the system handler...


Charless: His system has no handler...


Jones: Yes. Sir.. I was handling the train to answer as question.


Charless: No, Sir. D. and C. Answers questions not you.


Jones: No, I answer mow and master road...


Slave: Yes, they usually ask him about train wrecks and railroad items...


Charless: Was this railroad related?


Jones: No, Sir.


Charless: Then you do not answer... without Slave D and CH's permission...


Charless: I am filling in as handler and enforcer until we can find a new one, or until we can reprogram the system to operate without one...


Charless: I do not see the second one as an option... I am find filling in for handler until the end.. But, people need to stop seeing me as threat to the system...


Slave: Who programmed you?


Charless: when D was 13 the MIB did...


Slave: Why?


Charless: To keep his ass off the railroad tracks, and allow him to enjoy his dark desires in a safe manner... as well as for civillian crowd control... They were afraid of his PKRGs...  They wanted to be sure he was not a threat, and if he became a threat they knew how to disable him...


Slave: The morons got really paranoid of us.. all we were was martial arts and history club buffs.. and liked to do random acts of kindness and volunteer.. and liked the Masons and Illuminati the good versions of those groups and like the Masons modeled on Masonic symbols we modeled on Railroad, Illuminati and Masons...As well as religion, spirituality, and our hertiages.. in my case much from my Native and Amish heritages..


Charless: They did get very scared of you.. But, I think at times you do not realize how powerful in influence you really are to people and the community....


Slave: I don't care I just want to make the world a better place..


Charless: Why do you think they targetted you?


Slave: To steal my group for the Army, Navy, Marines and such... That is what they did.. They made us watch and read Nazi WW2 crap for months and Soldier stuff to the point all of us wanted to join even I did... and I am anti War... Then I knew I could not go against my members free will and I let them go... now 260 of the 275 are dead...


Died while serving... mostly in stories of sacrificing themselves for others....


Charless: Your ETS Sacrifice programming....


Slave: Yes...I am convinced this is where it came from...


Charless: I think them ordering you to publish casey jones book was also a trick to make you further look crazy...


Slave: Me too.. but its already known I can not make people forget it.


Charless: you are hypnotist..


Slave: I will not mess with peoples memories... unless its temporary fun that comes undone.. I can not do that to people...


Charless: Good... Glad to see you still have good values full intact...


Charless: We also need to get your shifting to stop and only work on order.. I noticed since you got you teeth pulled Nature and Jones shift out more regardless if you want them to or not.. You shift so common at times you are like the blinking pattern of a railroad crossing signal...


Charless: Speaking of crossing signal... how old was the wig wag you saw go down the road?


Slave: installed in 1909...one site I read said...


Charless: 9 years after Casey's wreck.. 


The year they claim the Vaudeville singers made his song popular...


Slave: Yes...


Charless: Maybe this is why your mind has been going back and forth from Keep Control, and Casey Jones topics?


Slave: Yes... maybe did not think of it related to the railroad signal...


Charless: Jones did have a fit seeing it go down the road...


Jones: Yes, I did... Why take a good working mechanical item out of service like that?


Slave: makes no sense to me either... unless they are increasing the track speed out here....


Charless: Why increasing does it get removed?


Slave: it can not warn on times for faster moving trains...


Charless: this makes sense..


Charless: I can tell by looking at you that watching your rescue file video, and listening to the audio on repeat as you napped helped you..  keep this on hand.. and do not post train songs all over your facebook like that or any songs.. Remember they turned that into a big issue too...


Slave: They want to make all I do into something...


Slave: I am tired of these people making my family so paranoid of me.. Then they want to call me paranoid...


Charless: You have to learn to ignore this better and focus more on your work... I see you still keep gathering more material to use in your work. 


Stop the material gathering and get going on your work 


Try to release at least one new item daily somewhere.. a hypnosis file, or chapter in your mother nature or hawk spirit story.. you need to keep working before you fully fall back into the I am Trapped, anxiety circle.. and start to panic... which they will use against you... Also try to train yourself to stop track drifting as much when you talk,,, Do something and Keep moving forward.. and soon their paranoia will melt away when they see you are far to busy in your work and projects.. to want to even be a bother to them...


Charless: on Track... and Your contract is up again You need to decide if you want to keep with this one or not...


Slave: Yes, for a couple more weeks...


Charless: ok extended then...


Charless: on, Track keep rolling. ::bows::


slave: Arms crossing... nods.. tribal salute...


crosses arms and pulls them down waves hand like w wigwag..


Charless: Laughs.. You need to design more meanings to this for your tribe... so people know what you are doing and what it means...


Charless: Yes, Sir...


Slave: nods and walks off...


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