
MJ PART 3 - Trancing like a King (supplement to the rescue) and Straight Journey Update

by MasterJack

Well my on/off relationship with hypnosis might actually be over. I've had an on/off relationship with hypnosis, because I could never get good at it, even after decades of trying. It didn't matter how much I trained, my OCD made it hard to relax and trust, no matter how much experience and positive results in the past. I knew hypnosis worked on me, as I had results previously, but being able to consistently relax and trance to it was always an issue because of my OCD, as well as changing goals/files.

Anyway, I've also been into supplements for decades now. Mainly as a way to keep healthy and help my unmedicated mental issues, bipolar and OCD. Recently I changed my supplement stack, dropped a few things, added a few things, going on a different theory, and it seems like I've had super results. But I also changed a few things the month before, so there is no way to truely tell whether it was a synergy of changes over time, or an individual thing. But I think adding molybdenum (Solgar brand) has really helped my OCD and anxiety symptoms the most a supplement ever has, that trancing feels very easy at the moment. Don't take my advice on that, might be a wrong observation.

Regardless, I've been trancing very well these past couple of days. I find it hard to know the difference between trancing and going to sleep, because I'm way more relaxed than usual, and when I trance, I go deep, natural amnesia deep. The other thing I did to improve my trancing, was wear a mouth piece (to help with the snoring), and mouth tape (to keep my mouth shut). For the record I know for a fact from previous experiences that I snore when trancing (without falling asleep) because my throat relaxes a lot and I'm overweight.

Anyway the last thing is the hypnosis results themselves. So I'll be honest, since my last entry, I hadn't done anymore hypnosis, so it's been a 3 week gap, and I only restarted again yesterday. I've been messing with my own files, as well as cardigan's horny. I'm just trying to reawaken my mojo so to speak. While the results are too subtle to tell. I'm getting glimpses of sexiness of women in porn again, and I've been getting erections and jacking off again. It's weird the horniness or sexiness doesn't feel that much, more like mechanical erections or behavioural jacking off. But at the same time I do enjoy looking at women in hentai comics, an interesting twist as before my porn taste was real porn (not hentai) with shemales or sissies. So I'm starting to enjoy heterosexual hentai porn. Maybe because women are drawn very beautifully and their genitalia. But I'm not fully there, because on the site I used for that comic, I ended up looking at a hentai sissy one that popped up in the results (not searched for on purpose). But that was one short detour, and I ended back on the straight stuff, and blew my load to it. If I think about it, blowing my load was incredibly hard and forced in the past when I was trying to do it to straight stuff before. So it seems like there's improvements bit by bit


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