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Good luck! - StrippedGears

Good luck and keep at it! Based on what you were writing a couple days ago about feeling hornier but not dumber, remember that a lot of bimbo files leave \"dumb\" up to the listener or assume that if you\'re horny enough you won\'t be able to think (which just isn\'t true). If you really want to be a dumb bimbo, you need to find files that will really work at making you dumber. Things like making it harder to read, write, do math, pay attention to things, grasp complex concepts... that sort of thing. Files that really pick a specific mark of being dumb and brands you with it.

Thank you:) - makemebimbo

Definitely going to keep trying, I learned lots yesterday so understanding how my mind works and like how I need to go about getting suggestions has me feeling like I\'m gonna be looking at my files in new ways and I think it\'s gonna help a lot :)

Thank you:) - makemebimbo

Definitely going to keep trying, I learned lots yesterday so understanding how my mind works and like how I need to go about getting suggestions has me feeling like I\'m gonna be looking at my files in new ways and I think it\'s gonna help a lot :)

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