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- mutatedbunnyboy

sounds excellent please continue to post your adventures

- TeenWolf

You bet I will. :) I'm in the middle of a session (A 5 minute break) so I'll post part A of todays. :D

- iamli3

(new public message while im posting , what is a "AV chat"?......) and to the first commentor's name lol there's a yiff furry character named zombie bunny boy) wth where'd all this "master" shit talk come from al of a sudden? why the f&%$ does everybody need to have one like that? incapable of origiona thought eh? naybe that's why im so resistant to this shit that even after months of listrning to a bunch of stuff i only had 1 time something happened only to suggest that i was actally being affected by the words in the file........

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