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Looks like you\'re making great progress! - StrippedGears

Good work on your progress so far! Compared to your posts from just a couple weeks ago you\'re really letting go of your mind and becoming the dumb bimbo you want to be. Just make sure to keep up with the files! Like someone said in the Dumbing Down thread, permanency takes time and effort. Imagine you\'ve had your leg in a cast for a few weeks. When the cast comes off and you start walking again your leg will be really weak, but it will get stronger over time until it\'s just as strong as it was before you had the cast. Keep the leg immobile for years though and you might never be able to walk on it normally again when you finally take the cast off. Your brain on hypnosis is the same way. The hypnosis keeps your brain still. If it stops too soon, your brain will end up getting used and will get stronger until it recovers its strength. You need to keep up the hypnosis and keep your brain nice and confined until it gets so weak that it can never get strong again.

Thanks:)) - makemebimbo

I like really enjoy listedning to my file cuz like it\'s so relaxing and like Always makes me feel Gud so totally try to ft it kn like once a day a least and like soon imgonna have time to listen like a lot lot more so I think that\'s when thkng a are gonna be like totally amazing like allll the time. \'!

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